Week 1
Aug. 31, 2012
Talk about what we're going to do this semester
File management
Plain Text vs. Rich Text
Document type declarations
Review: Page Titles, Paragraphs, Line Breaks, Headings, Lists, Links, Images
Uploading to a server
Week 2
September 7, 2012
Last day to drop a course without a grade posted to academic record.
Review: Uploading to a server
Student Presentations
CSS: color & text formatting
Color: Hexadecimal Code
Week 3
Assign Project A
Week 4
Open up Dreamweaver
Look at Project A design
Week 5
Have most of Project A complete
Week 6
Project A is due for crits.
assign Project B
some JavaScript
some jQuery
Week 7
Project B ideas/presentations
More CSS Stuff
jQuery: .slideToggle
Week 8
More with typography
Drop down menus
Week 9
Project B is due
**Also, your domain name is due**
Week 10
Nov. 2
intro to PHP
more jquery slide shows
Some work time
Week 11
Nov. 9
Rough Draft of Project C is due
-Be ready to show your work
More PHP
(contact forms)
Floating Navigation Menu
Talk about Flash ( AS 2.0 or 3.0 ? )
Week 12
Nov. 16
Project C is due
Talk about Final Project
Week 13 - day after Thanksgiving
Nov. 23 ( no class )
Week 14
*Printed materials due
Nov. 30
-give back grades
Week 15
Dec. 7 ( Last Friday Class )
Dec. 13 - 19
NEW EXAM DAY : 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. on FRIDAY, Dec. 14