art466 (design_for_the_WWW_II)

instructor: ryanSmith
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ART 466.001, Design for the WWW II
Fridays, 9:30am - 1:20pm
August 29th - December 19th

Instructor: Ryan T. Smith
Towson email:
Personal email:
Office Hours: I'm usually available after class.
Otherwise, make an appointment.

Class Website:

Catalog Description:
Advanced web authoring techniques and research as related to interactivity, information design, and web usability.

ART 365 (Design for WWW) and ART 355 (Typography).

Course Description:

This course will explore the aesthetics and methods of World Wide Web design and authoring. Through a series of WWW exercises and projects the student will become accomplished in authoring of comprehensive WWW sites using advanced methods and strategies. Students will use digital imaging methods for image generation, and WWW authoring techniques including: XHTML code, CSS and apply WWW3 standards. Students will learn and utilize current industry WWW authoring software (Adobe Dreamweaver). Students will engage in the design and production of ADA and WWW3 compliant websites, and publish via the Internet.

Course Objectives:

Students will differentiate between HTML and XHTML.

Students will produce a series of WWW Exercises and Projects, which will focus on CSS formatting and layout techniques.

Students will create W3 and ADA compliant websites for course projects.

Students will utilize information architecture and usability methods to produce class projects.

Students will utilize digital imaging techniques specifically related to WWW authoring.

Students will upload and maintain course produced web sites on a public Internet server.

Required Materials:

a flash drive or hard drive: 2GB or more (some external device to store your work on)
approximately 10 blank CDs (to turn in your work for a grade)
a Sharpie marker to write your name on the CDs
*Personal Web Space (Towson user accounts are fine)
a sketchbook, something not too big, about 8x10 inches (for notes and sketches)
5 good looking folders
*A domain name*

Suggested Reading:

On the internet:


HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide, 6th Edition
By Elizabeth Castro

HTML5 & CSS Visual QuickStart Guide, 7th Edition
By Elizabeth Castro, Bruce Hyslop

Dreamweaver CS5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
By Tom Negrino, Dori Smith

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Classroom in a Book
By Adobe Creative Team

PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (4th Edition)
By Larry Ullman

Internet Art
By Rachel Greene

Thinking with Type
By Ellen Lupton

Students with Disabilities:
This course is in compliance with Towson University policies for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are encouraged to register with Disability Support Services (DSS). Students who suspect that they have a disability but do not have documentation are encouraged to contact DSS for advice on how to obtain appropriate evaluation. A memo from DSS authorizing your accommodation is needed before any accommodation can be made.

Disability Support Services
Administration Building, Room 232
7720 York Road
Towson, Maryland 21252
Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: 410-704-2638

Academic Integrity/Plagiarism Statement:
All class members are to follow the fundamental principles of academic integrity outlined in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The Policy on Academic Misconduct appears in the Code and in the Schedule of Classes. The basic principle is that students take credit only for the ideas and efforts that are their own. Any act of academic dishonesty will place you in jeopardy of the most severe form of sanction by Towson University - expulsion from the University.
Included among dishonest behaviors in an academic setting are cheating (using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, materials, information, or study aids in an academic exercise), fabrication (falsifying or inventing information in an academic exercise), plagiarism (adopting or reproducing of ideas, words, or statements of another person without appropriate acknowledgment), interference (stealing, changing, destroying, or impeding another student’s work), and facilitating (intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student commit an act of academic misconduct). Students who submit work that shows evidence of plagiarism, fraud or copyright violation will receive a grade of 0 points for that project or exercise.

Incomplete work:

It is always better to turn in something, rather than nothing. It's important that you come to class during critiques, even if your work is incomplete.
All students are encouraged to improve their work even after a project is due.

Late work:

It does not matter if a project is 1 hour late, or 1 week late, 30% is deducted form late projects. Projects more than 1 week late will not be accepted (no exceptions).


Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to come to all the classes this semester. Attendance will affect your grade for the class. Always tell the teacher why you missed a class.
If you are significantly late 2 times, then it will count as 1 absence.

While absent from class, it is your responsibility to learn the material that you might have missed. If you are having trouble because you missed class, then contact another student outside of class.
Get phone numbers and email addresses of 3 other students in this class (now).

Class participation:

Class participation will affect your grade. In addition to being in class, you are expected to come prepared, and say something during class discussions and critiques. Asking intelligent questions, will always get you class participation points. Speak up. Please stop me, get me to elaborate, ask me to repeat myself, or slowdown.

During Class:

Do not text, never get on Facebook, do not use this time to check your email, do not play games, don't do any online shopping, and don't fall asleep. If you find yourself getting bored, then be productive; work on a project, or just draw. But, don't be a distraction to others. If you are starting to fall asleep, then excuse yourself, and leave the room.


It does not matter if you are working with a client, a colleague, or for your manager, your attitude affects your job. A bad attitude can cause you to lose a promotion, lose a client, or get you fired. In this class your attitude affects your grade.


Project grades will be averaged at the end of the semester, and determine the majority of your final grade. (70%)
-The grades for these projects will be based on your attention to detail, organization,
consistent aesthetic style, and the ability to follow directions
-Projects should be turned in on time (on a CD with your name on it)
-You will be asked to present your work in class. Presentations affect your grade.
-Preliminary sketches and/or evidence of research will be collected with your projects.

Homework, classwork, quizzes, reading (20%)
-You will be given homework assignments to help you prepare for your projects.
-There may be some quizzes.
-You will be expected to read (or watch) some material, and write some responses.

Class Participation & Attendance (10%)
-You are expected to come to every class prepared, on time, and ready to learn.
A grades: 90 - 100%
Compared to the rest of the class, your work is exceptional.
There is not much you could do to improve your work.

B grades: 80 - 89%
Your work is complete, or you followed most of the directions.
However, your work could be improved.

C grades: 70 - 79%
You struggled with the project(s), and need to improve your work.
However, you did enough work to earn a passing grade.

D grades: 60 - 69%
Your work is less than satisfactory, and incomplete.
You did not do enough work to earn a passing grade.

F grades: 0 - 59%
I need to ask, "what were you thinking?"
You barely did anything, or did not do anything at all.

Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Do not cheat. Do not copy the work of other students and artists. If you use someone's work, or are heavily influenced by someone's work, then give some credit to that person.

"Respect personal and intellectual honesty. It is so much simpler to be honest and fair.
It is much more complicated to be dishonest."
–Walter Sondheim Jr.

Available Support:

I am here to help you. Please take advantage of the fact that I care about you, and want you to succeed.

Email me anytime. If you need help, then ask me.

Technical Support at Towson:

Student Computing Services (SCS) located in the Cook Library, Room 35

Richard Thomas (Digital Lab Manager) room: CA 4029

Computer Lab: room 4012 (open 7 days a week)