art466 (design_for_the_WWW_II)

instructor: ryanSmith
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Week 4

Some work time
-Check homework

CSS styles can be applied to general page elements, CSS Classes, and specific items:img { border: 0px; }
this applies to every image tag in the HTML document
.classy { color: red; }
this applies to a CSS class called classy.
<span class="classy" > Example of a paragraph with classy text </span>
#about { background-color: #ccc; }
This rule applies to just the specific element that has an ID value of about:

<p id="about"> About stuff goes here </p>

Talk about Project A

Example of good CSS positioning
Here's the CSS code
by Larry Ullman

More CSS Positioning & other fun stuff

by rS

11:30 - 11:45 BREAK

otspots & rollover images & Behaviors window
& let's make something that looks like this

Complete most of Project A. Have at least a few working webpages completed, and linked together.