art466 (design_for_the_WWW_II)

instructor: ryanSmith
home | syllabus | contact | links | student work

Week 10

look at Project C
images / ideas

*Talk to students individually about grades

What is PHP ?

Intro to PHP:

step 1 - connect to a server

step 2 - save webpage with .php extension

step 3 - test php version with this code:


step 4 - insert php into html format

print "this text was made with PHP";

step 5 - make another .php page (& save it)

step 6 - try inserting that page into your previous .php page

<div id="footy">
include ('footer.php');
<!--end footy--></div>

EXAMPLE ( view page source ) | here's the html with php | php pages' code | CSS code

More with jQuery slideshows

here's "fadeslideshow.js"

Some work time

Update student work pages
Work on Project C
Fix up Projects A & B


Get started on Project C :

- finish at least 1 html page (we will look at these as a class on November 9th )