

"Project A" is due today

- it should be uploaded already...
- You don't need to email me a link to the page
*Please add a link from your index.html page ( the one you made during the 1st two weeks of class ), to your "Project A"
Example : http://tiger.towson.edu/~crothe3/website

Assign Project B

"Valve" (game development)
Simple Living
Studio Ghibli


Uploading to a Server

FUGU (FTP) Free Download
Step by step FUGU instructions(Towson)
Towson Server name : TU Server
Port : 22

1) Save your homework as index.html, then save it in a 365 folder in a Towson directory
2) Upload the 365 folder (with your images, and index.html page) to Towson's server
3) Check to make sure it worked: http://tiger.towson.edu/~username/365/index.html
*4) Email me a link to the URL address (now),
and if you can't get it uploaded email me your photo, and your HTML code

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.

More CSS Positioning & other fun stuff
*positioning: static, relative, absolute & fixed
Dreamweaver - HTML Tables ?

HOME WORK (due at the beginning of class, next week)


this week:

come up with an idea, write a paragraph about it
** save as a pdf file
**** add link from your class web page, to your .pdf file
**draw site structure and wire frames