- Introduction to Interactive Media -
SPRING 2015 ( 01/26/2015 - 05/12/2015 )
Monday & Wednesday - 2:00pm - 3:50pm
Room: FA112
Instructor: Ryan Smith, MFA
email (for students): ryansmithstudent@aol.com
office hours: by appointment only
students: | |
Dylan Greene Drew Graff Hope Kretz Candice Davis J.P. Lampitoc Evan Andrews |
Devarick Houston Amanda Roth Rakel Davis Christa Ladny Alex Hanavin Erika Schumacher Hailey Lain |
- Course_Policies.html
-get to know each other
- continue getting to know each other
- using an external style sheet
- Hexadecimal System (RGB)
- How the Web Works
- More CSS
- How the Web Works
* Uploading
- Open up Flash
- assign "Project A"
- continue working with Flash
- Tweens
adding: images, sound, and buttons
FLASH : continue working with sound
* A rough draft of "Project A" is due Monday, March 2nd
"PROJECT A" Due date: Week #7 (March 9th )
"PROJECT A" Due date: Week #7 (March 9th )
Assign "PROJECT B"
talk more about Variables
- no class { Spring Break }
Have some code finished, with some variables - Due : Wed. March 25th
You should have a rough draft of "PROJECT B"
Study for quiz