email address for ryanSmith's students :
-Some HTML
-get to know each other
external style sheets
Uploading to a Server
How the Web Works
WWW History
Google fonts
Assign "
Project A"
More CSS
· Div Tags
· IDs & Classes
Continue working with Dreamweaver
- rollover images
Photoshop: File > Automate > Batch...
CSS Positioning : static, relative, absolute & fixed
Project A : critique
Assign :
Project B"
[ Monday: snow day ]
Wednesday: basic
JavaScript & some jQuery/ lightBox
a little more JavaScript
jQuery .slideToggle
animated .gifs
[ spring break ]
Monday: "Project B" is due
Assign "
Project C "
Talk about "net art"
drop down menus & spry assets
5 + or - 2
- Hotspots
- Adding sound on mouseover or click
Mon. Apr. 7 :
Review for test
Wed. Apr. 9:
- Project C is due
- Assign " Project D "
-start talking about more advanced HTML5 & jQuery
-responsive webdesign
-smooth scrolling
-start talking about PHP
-look at proggress of
" Project D "
TEST : Wed. April 23rd
Project D Due date: Wed. April 30 **THIS WEEK**
Assign final project
Mon. May 5
- give back quizzes
- look at what you've done
- talk about what you are planning on doing
typography &
May 7
- talk more about grades
- some review
- talk about RESUMES
[ week 16]
Mon. May 12th = Last class
Our last 388 class : Monday, May 12
Classes end Tuesday, May 13
Study day Wednesday, May 14
Final Exams Thursday, May 15- Wednesday, May 21
388 EXAM :
MON, MAY 19 @ 3:30-5:30 PM