a flash drive or hard drive: 2GB or more (some external device to store your work on)
*Personal Web Space (UMBC user accounts are fine)
a sketchbook, something not too big, about 8x10 inches (for notes and sketches)
(suggested) a digital camera
HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide, 6th Edition
By Elizabeth Castro
HTML5 & CSS Visual QuickStart Guide, 7th Edition
By Elizabeth Castro, Bruce Hyslop
Dreamweaver CS5 (or CS6) for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
By Tom Negrino, Dori Smith
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 (or CS6) Classroom in a Book
By Adobe Creative Team
PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (4th Edition)
Internet Art
By Rachel Greene
Thinking with Type
By Ellen Lupton
Do not plagiarize :
code: HTML (5)
This is what a boring HTML5 page looks like.
It does not have any CSS, or JavaScript, just html.
This will be your homework this week. So, pay attention.
1st - you will notice that the URL of this webpage is:
My website is: ryansmithart.com
If you want to see every class I have taught since 2009:
These are called URL addresses (uniform, or universal, resource locator), and each forward slash indicates a separate folder. These folders are called directories. So, the 388 directory, is saved in a 2014 directory, which are in the courses directory (like folders inside folders). All of these are stored on a server, connected to the domain name "ryansmithart.com". I will talk more about this some other day, when we talk about uploading.
2nd - If you add index.html to the end of the URL, it will take you to the same page. The 1st page of most websites is titled index.html (or if you are using some other language it might be index.php). For example, if I type in "npr.org" my web browser will automatically take me to npr.org/index.html
3rd - You will notice that there are no capital letters, and no spaces in the file names or directories. Let's all say this out loud, and repeat:
For example if I wanted to save an image, I would save it as dalai_lama.jpg in a directory called images
NOT: Dalai Lammma.JPG in a folder called Images
rtf vs. txt
we will be using plain text
w/ a .html extension
<!doctype html>
<title> 388 </title>
some text
<img src="http://ryansmithart.com/courses/388/1/me.jpg">
*view page source
<a href="http://www.website.com"> Link to a webpage </a>
Now, what about you?
1) What's your name? and/or what would you like me to call you?
2) What are you studying here?
3) Why are you studying Digital Art, GD, etc.?
4) Why are you taking this class?
5) Anything you want to learn this semester?
6) What will you be doing for fun outside of class?
7) What kind of other responsibilities/jobs do you have?