ryanSmith's art 363 class @ Towson
- Interactive Media -

W1| W2 | W3 | W4 | W5 | W6 | W7 | W8 | W9 | W10 | W11 | W12 | W13 | W14 | W15


Week #14

assign: final project

Project Cwas due last week. Anyone need to give me some files?
There was a QUIZ last week. Anyone still need to take it?

"Fun Game" Project due this week

Final Project Examples:

" Gunz " | Warriors | Colors | Music Video (use a-z keys)
Net.Art | a promotional website | Something Fun

fun stuff:

Jared Tarbell: http://www.levitated.net/


for loops:
see "Three-expression for loops" (initializer ; loop-test ; counting expression)

///////////drawing with ActionScript3.0:
var i : int;
graphics.lineStyle(1.5, 0x00ff00, 1); ///////////(size, color, alpha/style)
for (i=0; i<500; i=i+5) { //set i to be zero, and add 5 to i as long as it's <500
graphics.moveTo(30,10); /////(x, y)


more with for loops:
var i, frameCounter:int;
frameCounter= frameCounter+1;
graphics.lineStyle(i, Math.random()*5000000, .25);
for (i=0; i<=30; i=i+1) {



Come up with an idea for your final project: Due (Monday) MAY 19, during your exam time.

- Please have something started next week, otherwise your grade will be affected
-- Final (PRINTED) Project Proposal due *Next Week*

There's 168 hours in 1 week:
Spend 1 of those hours outside.
Turn off the computer and the TV. Don't touch your phone.
And, see if you can spend 1 continuous hour without an electronic device.
The fresh air, and lack of electronics, will recharge YOUR batteries,
and leave you feeling refreshed.
It doesn't matter if you sit, walk, stare at the trees, or just close your eyes…
Take some time for yourself this week.