instead of MouseEvent.CLICK, try MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER
Look at source:
my_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myHandler);
function myHandler(evt:Object):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/"), "_self");
(review) Adding sound with AS3.0
Sound: | //Loading audio: var audio:Sound = new Sound(); var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Song.mp3"); audio.load(req); audio.play(); // If you want it to loop, then change the last line to: audio.play(0, int.MAX_VALUE); // Stop all sound: flash.media.SoundMixer.stopAll(); |
Dowload .fla file: SoundTest_fall_2013.fla
// sound.play(0, int.MAX_VALUE);
// audio2.play(0, 9999);
Look at "Things to think about" for Project B
Think of something you would like to research (anything).
Type up a project proposal (less than 1 page).
What's the project about? What will it look like?
Get started on it!