

"PROJECT A" Due date: Week #7 (March 9th )
time: at the beginning of class

* A rough draft is due TODAY, March 2nd
**Not having a rough draft on March 2nd, will reduce the project grade by 10%


: adding sound
-you can edit sound using iTunes
-make sure all your sounds are saved as mp3 files
What's the difference between Event & Streaming sound?
Free Sound.org
free animal sounds

Adding sound with AS3.0 :

Sound: //Loading audio:
var audio:Sound = new Sound();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Song.mp3");

// If you want it to loop, then change the last line to:
audio.play(0, int.MAX_VALUE);

// Stop all sound:

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

Open : SoundTest.fla

HOME WORK (due at the beginning of class, Monday)

"PROJECT A" Due date: Week #7 (March 9th )

what you will turn in on the due date:

1) Have your site uploaded to a server before class.
(html & swf files)

2) I will collect:
- the Flash .fla file
- .html file
- .swf file

3) Please turn in a storyboard
*I will not be accepting late story boards