var slideimages = new Array() // create new array to preload images
slideimages[0] = new Image() // create new instance of image object
slideimages[0].src = "images/1.jpg" // set image src property to image path, preloading image in the process
slideimages[1] = new Image()
slideimages[1].src = "images/2.jpg"
slideimages[2] = new Image()
slideimages[2].src = "images/3.jpg"
slideimages[3] = new Image()
slideimages[3].src = "images/4.jpg"
more CSS Stuff: <link href="365.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> * using an external style sheet Margin - Clears an area around the border. The margin does not have a background color, it is completely transparent Border - A border that goes around the padding and content. The border is affected by the background color of the box Padding - Clears an area around the content. The padding is affected by the background color of the box Content - The content of the box, where text and images appear (page layout) LAYERS WITH CSSposition:relative; top:-50; left:5; color:red; font-size:80px; z-index:2; Z-INDEX EXAMPLE Z-Index example #2 |
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Homework :
your 3rd project:
Your 3rd project is due Tuesday, Nov. 19