"Tiger(.towson.edu) is being replaced by tigerweb
Tigerweb supports html
(that includes CSS, Javascript, etc.)
and is reachable via smb, just like tiger.
Wp is a wordpress-based website."
You can have an account on both tigerweb and wp (WP is replacing Pages).
So, the webpage you go to for more information is:
* You can connect to the server using this website.
Example : https://tigerweb.towson.edu/rtsmith
After activating your site, your URL should look something like this:
If you have trouble, you can try contacting Richard Thomas:
"Digital Lab Manager, OTS Liaison"
- choose "site"
- "Manage Sites..."
Set up your "Local" (towson) directory:
Site Name: Towson
Site Folder: [the www folder on your desktop]
Open the "Files Window"
Click on the icon to expand the window:
" to
view Local & Remote sites "
<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/24715531" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
Homework :
Finish "project_a"
due next class.
- This means that (next week) you should have your website finished & uploaded
- Please have your images, CSS, and HTML pages neatly saved in one directory (proj_a).
- All html pages should be properly linked.
- your 1st page should be saved as index.html
Next Week:
"Project A" is due
October 2, 2018
at the beginning of your Art365 class