
_weeks: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 .

PROJECT #4 was due last week
*Quiz this week

see index page for more dates

Week #15


(Last week of the semester)

- Give back project grades

Talk about "net art" PROJECT #4 Grades.

Let's talk about this...
What is appropriate for a college classroom?
What is inappropriate?
What is the definition of insulting?
What is the definition of offensive?
Can good art be offensive or even violent?

How would you grade these unicorn paintings?

Talk about "FINAL PROJECT"
( Portfolio Website )

Talk about resumés

HTML : Special Characters

Talk about "course evaluations"

Why not use http://www.wix.com?

"You have a voice! What will you use your voice for? Why are you making artwork, and what will you use it for?"
–ryanSmith, December 6, 2016

"BELIEVE in yourself. BELIEVE in the changes & the difference you can make…
rather than believing in your government, the changes they will never make, or people that won't make a difference."
–ryanSmith, December 6, 2014


I'm not saying, to ignore laws and all authorities. Nor am I telling you not to care about your grades and exams. However, if you work as hard as you can, and you're proud of what you do… don't let anyone else stop you from doing what you love. If someone calls you stupid or weak, prove them wrong. If someone thinks you're a failure, then they're the one who's wrong, not you.

What is "Responsive Web Design"?




My example w/ MEDIA QUERIES

article: "Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It"


Example #1


Homework :

- Finish the "Final Project"

"Think for yourself, and question authority".
"Don't just do what makes you happy, do what makes you great!".

It's been a pleasure teaching you. Enjoy the upcoming holidays.