- project D -
(Art 365) design for the WWW
Today's date: Oct. 31st
Due date: Week 13 (3 weeks from now)
Friday, November 21st
time: at the beginning of class
Design & build a marketing website for a product
- Demonstrate the ability to use CSS code
- Practice great onscreen Typography
* Your project must include some animated element (a slideshow, gif animation, or Flash)
- Make something that is easy to navigate and looks great
- Be informative
- Promote something
- the first page of your site should be saved as index.html
- all pages need to have titles and headings
- there should be great looking images (that are not pixelated)
- there should be a lot of information
The project should be uploaded to a server (before the due date).
* Bring in the html, css, & image files in 1 directory
- Pick a marketable product, or you can invent one
note: This should be a thing, not a person or place
*Think about your audience
- Do some research and write something about it
- Design a logo
- Find images, or make your own illustrations
- Build an informative website
You will be turning in a typed (and printed) paper that explains:
- what your topic is
- why you chose to do a website on this topic
- who is your audience (or who would want to look at your site)
- how is your design based on the topic and its audience
This week:
- decide what you want to do your project on
- type & print your project proposal
The following week -
- finish a roughdraft of the project
Due date: Week 13 (3 weeks from now)
Friday, November 21st