Home Work from last week:
come up with an idea for your Final Project
write a paragraph about it, PRINT IT, show it to me on an 8.5 x 11in. paper
FINAL PROJECT is due : May 21 (Tuesday), the last day of exams
It does not matter how old you are, think about the damage you are doing to the 1 body that you have.
Some damage is irreparable, and it's never too early to take precautions ( eyes, knees, back ).
VIDEOS & other fun stuff:
fun stuff:
open : QWERTY_CS5.fla
**What's a projector file?
for loops:
see "Three-expression for loops" (initializer ; loop-test ; counting expression)
///////////drawing with ActionScript3.0:
var i : int;
graphics.lineStyle(1.5, 0x00ff00, 1); ///////////(size, color, alpha/style)
for (i=0; i<500; i=i+5) { //set i to be zero, and add 5 to i as long as it's <500
graphics.moveTo(30,10); /////(x, y)
( Week 7 )
var groceryList:Array; groceryList=new Array() groceryList[0]="eggs"; groceryList[1]="bread"; groceryList[2]="milk"; groceryList[3]="cheese"; trace(groceryList); |
var a: Array; var i : int; |
open squigles.fla |
May 7th is the last day to resubmit Projects A, B, or C for grade improvement
Rough Draft of Final Project is due
FINAL PROJECT is due : May 21 (Tuesday), the last day of exams