
_weeks: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .

ART365 : spring2017

class webpage : ryanSmithArt.com/courses/2017

write down, & save the class's URL address

Week #2

Talk a little more about:
"Changing Education Paradigms"

a talk given at the RSA 
by Sir Ken Robinson

- TextWrangler



*Check Homework

(2 business cards)

- W3

w3schools.com (HTML5)

Some more HTML:
<a href="http://www.website.com"> Link to a webpage </a>

<a href="..." target="_blank">Link to a webpage </a>

<h1> </h1>

<!-- this is a comment in HTML -->

div tags:
<div id="name">


-Example #1: (W3 schools)

-CSS Syntax

***External Style Sheets

<link href="365.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >

- More info

an example of a CSS page


styling links

a:link {color:#FF0000;}


/*this is a comment in CSS code */

Hexadecimal System (RGB)

Review file formats:

. jpg, gif, png, pdf, txt, html

Homework :

1) Create an HTML page, using basic HTML5 code (this should be 1 page about you)
2) Save it in a folder with a .jpg image of yourself (72 ppi).
3) Add CSS, using an external style sheet.
4) Don't forget "Required Materials", sketchbook, etc.

- The HTML, CSS, and .jpg files need to be saved in the same folder
- Bring the folder(directory) on an external storage device next class

- Your page should have the following:
*a title
*1 Heading
*1 photo of your face
*2 photos of your personal work
*3 hyperlinks to websites and/or blogs that are of interest to you
*At least 1 paragraph about yourself, and your artwork
(you can use the "Get to know each other " questions from last week, if you don't know what to say about yourself)

- no need to upload your homework this week : )

Next Week:

- More CSS
- CSS3

Get to know each other

1) What's your name? and/or what would you like me to call you?
2) What are you studying here?
3) Why are you studying Digital Art, GD, etc.?
4) Why are you taking this class?
5) Anything you want to learn this semester?
6) What will you be doing for fun outside of class?
7) What kind of other responsibilities/jobs do you have?
8) Are you from Maryland?