ryanSmith's art 365 class @ Towson


W1| W2 | W3 | W4 | W5 | W6


Week #5:

* Take Attendance *
For home work, you were supposed to:

Get started on "Project A"
- familiarize yourself with HTML & start planning the website
- pick an artist
- do some research
- get (or make) digital images of artwork
* complete 2 webpages with at least 1 image and a working link

Today: More CSS

What we did last class:
<link href="365.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
using an external style sheet
an example of a CSS page
ID vs. Classes
Google fonts
changing the background
"Project A"
Project A Examples:
- Beatriz Martin Vidal
- Jenny Saville
- William Belt


Example of good CSS positioning
Here's the CSS code
by Larry Ullman

Open Dreamweaver

: static, relative, absolute & fixed

More CSS Positioning & other fun stuff


<a href="#face1">link 1</a><br />
<a href="#face2">link 2</a><br />
<a href="#face3">link 3 </a><br />

HOME WORK (due at the beginning of class, Friday)

"Project A" Due: Week #6 ( March 7 )
- make your webpages look better
- finish the site

Ira Glass on Storytelling on Vimeo.

by Han Hoogerbrugge on youTube