design for the www II : Spring 2025
Spring 2025
Instructor - RYAN T SMITH
Dates: 01/28/2025 - 05/20/2025
Tuesday, 6:00pm - 9:50pm
Room: CA4030
Catalog Description:
Advanced web authoring techniques and research as related to interactivity, information design, and web usability.
Prerequisites: ART 365 and ART 355.
Course Description:
This course will explore the processes and design considerations of developing websites. Students will complete a series of projects using best practices for wire-framing, information architecture and usability. We will explore design and aesthetics in projects that also meet W3C requirements. Students will investigate site and CSS frameworks as well as Content Management Systems and Web Applications. The focus will be on creating sites that are well designed, function properly and scale in a real-world deployment.
Course Objectives:
- Render your creative vision in semantically correct HTML 5.
- Produce a series of websites, which will focus on CSS based formatting and layout techniques.
- Design intuitive information architectures that support credibility.
- Use modern digital imaging techniques for site efficiency and scalability.
- Upload and maintain project web sites on a public Internet server.
- Explore adjunct technologies such as jQuery (and maybe some PHP code)
(3) a sketchbook, something not too big, about 8x10 inches
(for notes and sketches)
(4) something to write & make drawings with
(suggested) a digital camera
Application Software That We Will Use:
- BBEdit
*or Brackets is also good :
- More than 1 Web Browser (Firefox, Safari, Explorer, etc.)
- Photoshop (any version)
- an FTP interface (we will talk more about this later)
- Dreamweaver (optional)
- iTunes (optional)
Suggested Reading:
Project grades will be averaged at the end of the semester, and determine the majority of your final grade. ( 70% )
-The grades for these projects will be based on your attention to detail, organization,
consistent aesthetic style, and the ability to follow directions
-Projects should be turned in on time
-You will be asked to present your work in class. Presentations affect your grade.
-Preliminary sketches and/or evidence of research will be collected with your projects.
Homework, classwork, quizzes, and/or reading ( 20% )
-You will be given homework assignments to help you prepare for your projects.
-There may be some quizzes.
-You will be expected to read (or watch) some material, and write some responses.
Class Participation & Attendance ( 10% )
-You are expected to come to every class prepared, on time, and ready to learn.
A grades : 90 - 100%
Your work is exceptional.
There is not much you could do to improve your work.
B grades : 80 - 89%
Your work is complete, or you followed most of the directions.
However, your work could be improved.
C grades : 70 - 79%
You struggled with the project(s), and need to improve your work.
However, you did enough work to earn a passing grade.
D grades : 60 - 69%
Your work is less than satisfactory, and incomplete.
You did not do enough work to earn a passing grade.
F grades : 0 - 59%
I need to ask, "what were you thinking?"
You barely did anything, or did not do anything at all.
Late work always gets a C or less.
Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Do not cheat. Do not copy the work of other students and artists. If you use someone's work, or are heavily influenced by someone's work, then give some credit to that person.
© 2025 · ryanSmith