Hi! My name is Michaela, I'm a junior majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Women and Gender Studies. I ended up in Graphic Design because it feels like putting a puzzle together (except you generally get to or have to make the puzzle pieces yourself). Graphic Design allows me to combine storytelling, illustration, and any crazy whims that compliment a project.
I'm currently taking this class because it is a requirement to graduate and get my degree. So far I've only dabbled in web design because I don't feel exceedingly confident in it but would like to improve in that regard. The process of coding feels so far removed from creating a thought out web layout with hierarchy that creates any sort of visual interest but that's due to my limited experience. I'd like to get better at formatting and creating interesting layouts in html. The more I learn how to make html sites the more I want to make one that works like a puzzle or an escape room that hides pages within pages or clues as you scroll down.
Outside of class I like to knit blankets because it's a nice breather from working digitally, I get to make something tangible that I can just about turn my brain off for. It also pairs well with watching movies or tv shows by myself or with friends. I finished two blankets last semester but because I wasn't counting the stitches when I started the first one, after I finished it I found out it was over twelve feet wide (and about five feet long). On the list of things I need to worry about, first and foremost is school followed shortly by internship applications, which are so fun and not stressful. At home I have three younger siblings, all from here and I was born in Pennsylvania but moved to Maryland and have lived here most of my life.
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