Week #12

***Check Homework (net.art)***
(collect project files)

*Continue student presentations

Talk about Student Pages:

Technical Support at TOWSON:

"Student Computing Services (SCS) located in the Cook Library, Room 35
http://www.towson.edu/technology/studentservices/locations/index.html "
e-mail: scs@towson.edu

Good Design vs. Bad Design

<a href="../cards/card2.jpeg" data-lightbox="design1" data-title="front side">
Good Design</a>
<a href="../cards/card3.jpeg" data-lightbox="design1" data-title="back side">

<a href="https://ryansmithart.com/cards/card1.jpeg" data-lightbox="design2"
data-title="front side">
<strong>Bad Design</strong></a>


- talk about Project #2 & GRADES

*Review for Quiz:

 File management:
What should you save the first page of your website as?
What's a server?
What's a directory?
What's an IP Address?
What's a DNS?
What's FTP?

In the following URL, what's the domain name, and what's the file name?

What's the difference between a web browser & a search engine?

<!-- HTML-->

<title> my title </title>

Paragraph tags
Line Breaks
Emphasis tags
Strong tags

Inserting an image
<img src="images/flower.jpg">

How to create a link
<a href="http://www.npr.org"> NPR News </a> 

/ * CSS */
CSS Syntax:
p {color:red; font-family: Arial, Helvetica; }

How to Change the color of your links:
a:link {text-decoration: underline; color: #000;}
a:visited {text-decoration: underline; color: #000;}
a:hover {text-decoration: none; color: #FFF; background-color:#0F0}
a:active {text-decoration: none; color: #000;}

CSS styles can be applied to:
general page elements, CSS Classes, and specific items (ID values).

How do you code CSS Classes and ID values?
p{color:red; }
.title{font-family:Arial Black; background-color:#CCC; }
#footy{height:20px; position:fixed; bottom:0px; width:100%;}

<span class="title"> This is the title </span>
<p>Red Text</p>
<div id="footy"> Footer </div>

What's the difference:
{position:fixed;} & {position:relative;}

What's "z-index"?

What's a Favicon?

What's the hexadecimal code for:
red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, white, black, light & dark grey

**Talk about: TYPOGRAPHY & readability 


**Study for QUIZ :) 

Keep working on your "Final Project 

Please bring an external hard drive or "thumb drive" with you to class.

Required materials for this class:

(1) a flash drive or hard drive: 2GB or more
(some external device to store your work on)

(2) *Personal Web Space (Towson user accounts are fine)

(3) a sketchbook, something not too big, about 8x10 inches 
(for notes and sketches) 

(4) something to write & make drawings with