Project A

(Art 388) Art On The Internet
Due date: week #5 (Mon. Sep. 24)
time: at the beginning of class
Design, and build, an artist's website for a contemporary living artist


-Demonstrate the ability to use XHTML & CSS code
*Start using Dreamweaver
-Practice onscreen Typography
-Make something that is easy to navigate, easy to read, and looks great


-Pick an artist (this can be an artist you know, or somone you are a fan of), not yourself.
-Write something about the artist's life & work.
-Find images of the artist's work.
-Build a website for the artist.


an External Style Sheet
-all webpages must have titles
-a splash page, saved as index.html (note: don't have a link back to the splash page)
-a bio or "about" section
-a gallery page (or pages) with at least 9 examples of their artwork
-information about the images (title, medium, date)
-another .html page of your chosing
-There should be at least 3 links on every page to navigate between the different sections
-please include the sources of your information and images (somewhere on the site)


this week:
-familiarize yourself with HTML & start planning the website
-pick an artist
-do some research
-get (or make) digital images of artwork
*complete 2 webpages with at least 1 image and a working link

next week:
- make your webpages look better
- finish the site using Adobe Dreamweaver

what you will turn in on Mon. Sep. 24:
1) Have your site uploaded to a server before class
2) You will turn in a folder, with a CD, with your name (written with a Sharpie), that has your working website on it
-all images used in the site, all the .html pages, and CSS should be saved on the disc.


Your grade will be determined by your ability to turn things in on time, and follow directions.
The grade for your finished project will be based on your attention to detail, and the overall look of the website.
All webpages designed for the site should have a consistent design or "feel".
All pages should be clearly labeled, have titles, and all the links should work.
Make sure your site is easy to navigate.
Your presentation will also affect your grade.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions.