art382 (interactive media)

instructor: ryanSmith
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Week 7

look at homework:
Due Today:
A typed & printed project proposal (less than 1 page).
What's the site about? What will it look like?

While I'm looking at homework, add your Project A to your student work page


Variables & Data Types

do some math:

//Variable declaration:
var a: int;



//trace function:


Basic usage of the if conditional:

if (condition){

var age:Number ;
if (age > 18){
trace("You can enter the website");

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

Download Flash file

Start building your site using Adobe Flash
Finish the layout of the site
*Try to have at least 1 Flash button doing something
Quiz Questions:

What's the keyboad shortcut to test your movie in Flash?

After you make a button, why is it important to give it an instance name?

Memorize how to declare a variable:
var a: int;