art382 (interactive media)

instructor: ryanSmith
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Week 4

4:00pm - 4:15
-Open Homework
-Publish html & swf files to 382 directory
-Practice uploading html & swf files to a server
-check in a web browser
-email url to:
**Add link to your student work page

4:15 - 4:45pm

Leave HW open (I'll check homework).

Start animating with Flash:
Breaking a character into parts

-New robot.fla file
-New robot_MC symbol
-6 other symbols: head, body, arm1, arm2, leg1, leg 2
-Nest each symbol, in robotMC, on separate layers

Nesting symbols:
Chapter 7 Sample files: take a look at "Grotto"

4:45 - 5:15
Tweens: shape tween & classic tween
Motion Tween / Motion Editor

5:15- 5:45

Project A


5:45 - 5:50


Copying images from Photoshop & Illustrator to Flash

Breaking apart text



( next week: adding sound, and making buttons, 1st AS3.0 )


1) Design & draw 3 Characters for your Project A
Note: The characters do not need to be animated,
but their moving body parts need to be on separate layers

2) Find a soundtrack for your Project A

* Start bringing headphones to class

3) Draw a very rough storyboard