art382 (interactive media)

instructor: ryanSmith
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Week 3

4:00pm - 4:15
RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms
adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson
4:15 - 4:30pm
Review (any trouble with CSS or Uploading?)
1) Save your homework as index.html, then save it in a 382 folder in a umbc directory
2) Upload the 382 folder (with your images, index.html page, and CSS) to UMBC's server
3) Check to make make sure it worked:
*4) Email me a link to the URL address (now), and if you can't get it uploaded email me your photo, HTML code, and CSS. What we did last class:
Hexadecimal System (RGB)
CSS Syntax
In the head of your html code, put a link to a separate .css file:
<link href="382.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
This is an example of an External Style Sheet

4:30 - 5:30
a brief (less than 5 min.) presentation about your self and your art work. Please include images of your work.
What are you studying? Why are you studying it? What else do you do for fun?
What experience do you have with Interactive Media, Flash, ActionScript, and or web design?
What do you want to learn this semester?
5:30 - 5:50
More CSS or Flash?

*Publish Settings
jpg or gif or png?

Start drawing with Flash
(don't wait for somone to tell you what to do)

*stage (size)
*properties window
*layers (timeline)
*library window

Chapter 7 Sample files: take a look at "Grotto"

Start animating with Flash:
Breaking a character into parts
Nesting symbols (Robot.fla)
Tweens: shape tween & classic tween
Make 3 animated images of whatever you want
-your main timeline should be 1 frame
-you can have as many Movie Clip symbols as youi want, and they can have as many frames as you want.
-Publish them as a .swf file embedded in an html page