stop(); /* function reportKeyDown01(event:KeyboardEvent):void{ trace("Key Pressed: " + String.fromCharCode(event.charCode) + " (character code: " + event.charCode + ")"); } stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown01); /* Key Pressed: q (character code: 113) Key Pressed: w (character code: 119) Key Pressed: e (character code: 101) Key Pressed: r (character code: 114) Key Pressed: t (character code: 116) Key Pressed: y (character code: 121) Key Pressed: u (character code: 117) Key Pressed: i (character code: 105) Key Pressed: o (character code: 111) Key Pressed: p (character code: 112) Key Pressed: a (character code: 97) Key Pressed: s (character code: 115) Key Pressed: d (character code: 100) Key Pressed: f (character code: 102) Key Pressed: g (character code: 103) Key Pressed: h (character code: 104) Key Pressed: j (character code: 106) Key Pressed: k (character code: 107) Key Pressed: l (character code: 108) Key Pressed: z (character code: 122) Key Pressed: x (character code: 120) Key Pressed: c (character code: 99) Key Pressed: v (character code: 118) Key Pressed: b (character code: 98) Key Pressed: n (character code: 110) Key Pressed: m (character code: 109) */ ////////////////////QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ////////////////// var QBlaster:Qmc = new Qmc(); var Qswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); function reportKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 113) { // 113 is the keyCode for the "q" key on the keyboard if(Qswitch==0){ var Q:MovieClip = new MovieClip; Q.addChild(QBlaster); addChild(Q); Q.x = Math.random()*500; Q.y = Math.random()*400; Q.alpha=1; var Qscale:Number; Qscale=Math.random()*2; Q.scaleX=Qscale Q.scaleY=Qscale Qswitch=1; //trace(Qswitch) }else{ var Q2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; Q2.addChild(QBlaster); addChild(Q2); Q2.x = Math.random()*500; Q2.y = Math.random()*400; Q2.alpha=0; Qswitch=0; //trace(Qswitch) } } } //////////////////////////WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW////////////////// var WBlaster:Wmc = new Wmc(); var Wswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown2); function reportKeyDown2(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 119) { // 119 is the keyCode for the "W" key on the keyboard if(Wswitch==0){ var W:MovieClip = new MovieClip; W.addChild(WBlaster); addChild(W); W.x = Math.random()*500; W.y = Math.random()*400; W.alpha=1; var Wscale:Number; Wscale=Math.random()*2; W.scaleX=Wscale W.scaleY=Wscale Wswitch=1; }else{ var W2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; W2.addChild(WBlaster); addChild(W2); W2.x = Math.random()*500; W2.y = Math.random()*400; W2.alpha=0; Wswitch=0; } } } //////////////////////////EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE////////////////// var EBlaster:Emc = new Emc(); var Eswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownE); function reportKeyDownE(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 101) { // 101 is the keyCode for the "E" key on the keyboard if(Eswitch==0){ var E:MovieClip = new MovieClip; E.addChild(EBlaster); addChild(E); E.x = Math.random()*500; E.y = Math.random()*400; E.alpha=1; var Escale:Number; Escale=Math.random()*2; E.scaleX=Escale E.scaleY=Escale Eswitch=1; }else{ var E2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; E2.addChild(EBlaster); addChild(E2); E2.alpha=0; Eswitch=0; } } } //////////////////////////RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR////////////////// var RBlaster:Rmc = new Rmc(); var Rswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownR); function reportKeyDownR(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 114) { // 114 is the keyCode for the "R" key on the keyboard if(Rswitch==0){ var R:MovieClip = new MovieClip; R.addChild(RBlaster); addChild(R); R.x = Math.random()*500; R.y = Math.random()*400; R.alpha=1; var Rscale:Number; Rscale=Math.random()*2; R.scaleX=Rscale R.scaleY=Rscale Rswitch=1; }else{ var R2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; R2.addChild(RBlaster); addChild(R2); R2.alpha=0; Rswitch=0; } } } //////////////////////////TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT////////////////// var TBlaster:Tmc = new Tmc(); var Tswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownT); function reportKeyDownT(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 116) { // 116 is the keyCode for the "T" key on the keyboard if(Tswitch==0){ var T:MovieClip = new MovieClip; T.addChild(TBlaster); addChild(T); T.x = Math.random()*500; T.y = Math.random()*400; T.alpha=1; var Tscale:Number; Tscale=Math.random()*3; T.scaleX=Tscale T.scaleY=Tscale Tswitch=1; }else{ var T2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; T2.addChild(TBlaster); addChild(T2); T2.alpha=0; Tswitch=0; } } } //////////////////////////YYYYYYYYYY////////////////// var YBlaster:Ymc = new Ymc(); var Yswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownY); function reportKeyDownY(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 121) { // 121 is the keyCode for the "T" key on the keyboard if(Yswitch==0){ var Y:MovieClip = new MovieClip; Y.addChild(YBlaster); addChild(Y); Y.x = Math.random()*500; Y.y = Math.random()*400; Y.alpha=1; var Yscale:Number; Yscale=Math.random()*3; Y.scaleX=Yscale Y.scaleY=Yscale Yswitch=1; }else{ var Y2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; Y2.addChild(YBlaster); addChild(Y2); Y2.alpha=0; Yswitch=0; } } } //////////////////////////UUUUUUUUUUUU////////////////// var UBlaster:Umc = new Umc(); var Uswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownU); function reportKeyDownU(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 117) { // 117 is the keyCode for the "U" key on the keyboard if(Uswitch==0){ var U:MovieClip = new MovieClip; U.addChild(UBlaster); addChild(U); U.x = Math.random()*500; U.y = Math.random()*400; U.alpha=1; var Uscale:Number; Uscale=Math.random()*2; U.scaleX=Uscale U.scaleY=Uscale Uswitch=1; }else{ var U2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; U2.addChild(UBlaster); addChild(U2); U2.alpha=0; Uswitch=0; } } } //////////////////////////iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii////////////////// var IBlaster:Imc = new Imc(); var Iswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownI); function reportKeyDownI(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 105) { // 105 is the keyCode for the "I" key on the keyboard if(Iswitch==0){ var I:MovieClip = new MovieClip; I.addChild(IBlaster); addChild(I); I.x = Math.random()*500; I.y = Math.random()*400; I.alpha=1; var Iscale:Number; Iscale=Math.random()*2; I.scaleX=Iscale I.scaleY=Iscale Iswitch=1; }else{ var I2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; I2.addChild(IBlaster); addChild(I2); I2.alpha=0; Iswitch=0; } } } /////////////////////////ooooooooooooooooo////////////////// var OBlaster:Omc = new Omc(); var Oswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownO); function reportKeyDownO(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 111) { // 111 is the keyCode for the "O" key on the keyboard if(Oswitch==0){ var O:MovieClip = new MovieClip; O.addChild(OBlaster); addChild(O); O.x = Math.random()*500; O.y = Math.random()*400; O.alpha=1; var Oscale:Number; Oscale=Math.random()*2; O.scaleX=Oscale O.scaleY=Oscale Oswitch=1; }else{ var O2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; O2.addChild(OBlaster); addChild(O2); O2.alpha=0; Oswitch=0; } } } /////////////////////////pppppppppppppppp////////////////// var PBlaster:Pmc = new Pmc(); var Pswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownP); function reportKeyDownP(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 112) { // 112 is the keyCode for the "P" key on the keyboard if(Pswitch==0){ var P:MovieClip = new MovieClip; P.addChild(PBlaster); addChild(P); P.x = Math.random()*500; P.y = Math.random()*400; P.alpha=1; var Pscale:Number; Pscale=Math.random()*2; P.scaleX=Pscale P.scaleY=Pscale Pswitch=1; }else{ var P2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; P2.addChild(PBlaster); addChild(P2); P2.alpha=0; Pswitch=0; } } } /////////////////////////97aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa////////////////// var ABlaster:Amc = new Amc(); var Aswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownA); function reportKeyDownA(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 97) { // 97 is the keyCode for the "A" key on the keyboard if(Aswitch==0){ var A:MovieClip = new MovieClip; A.addChild(ABlaster); addChild(A); A.x = Math.random()*500; A.y = Math.random()*400; A.alpha=1; var Ascale:Number; Ascale=Math.random()*2; A.scaleX=Ascale A.scaleY=Ascale Aswitch=1; }else{ var A2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; A2.addChild(ABlaster); addChild(A2); A2.alpha=0; Aswitch=0; } } } /////////////////////////115sssssssssssssssssssss////////////////// var SBlaster:Smc = new Smc(); var Sswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownS); function reportKeyDownS(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 115) { // 115 is the keyCode for the "S" key on the keyboard if(Sswitch==0){ var S:MovieClip = new MovieClip; S.addChild(SBlaster); addChild(S); S.x = Math.random()*500; S.y = Math.random()*400; S.alpha=1; var Sscale:Number; Sscale=Math.random()*2; S.scaleX=Sscale S.scaleY=Sscale Sswitch=1; }else{ var S2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; S2.addChild(SBlaster); addChild(S2); S2.alpha=0; Sswitch=0; } } } /////////////////////////100ddddddddddddDDDDDDDDDDD/////////////// var DBlaster:Dmc = new Dmc(); var Dswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownD); function reportKeyDownD(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 100) { // 100 is the keyCode for the "D" key on the keyboard if(Dswitch==0){ var D:MovieClip = new MovieClip; D.addChild(DBlaster); addChild(D); D.x = Math.random()*500; D.y = Math.random()*400; D.alpha=1; var Dscale:Number; Dscale=Math.random()*2; D.scaleX=Dscale D.scaleY=Dscale Dswitch=1; }else{ var D2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; D2.addChild(DBlaster); addChild(D2); D2.alpha=0; Dswitch=0; } } } /////////////////////////102 FFFFFFFFFFFF/////////////// var FBlaster:Fmc = new Fmc(); var Fswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownF); function reportKeyDownF(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 102) { // 102 is the keyCode for the "F" key on the keyboard if(Fswitch==0){ var F:MovieClip = new MovieClip; F.addChild(FBlaster); addChild(F); F.x = Math.random()*500; F.y = Math.random()*400; F.alpha=1; var Fscale:Number; Fscale=Math.random()*2; F.scaleX=Fscale F.scaleY=Fscale Fswitch=1; }else{ var F2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; F2.addChild(FBlaster); addChild(F2); F2.alpha=0; Fswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 103 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG////// var GBlaster:Gmc = new Gmc(); var Gswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownG); function reportKeyDownG(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 103) { // 103 is the keyCode for the "G" key on the keyboard if(Gswitch==0){ var G:MovieClip = new MovieClip; G.addChild(GBlaster); addChild(G); G.x = Math.random()*500; G.y = Math.random()*400; G.alpha=1; var Gscale:Number; Gscale=Math.random()*2; G.scaleX=Gscale G.scaleY=Gscale Gswitch=1; }else{ var G2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; G2.addChild(GBlaster); addChild(G2); G2.alpha=0; Gswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 104 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH////// var HBlaster:Hmc = new Hmc(); var Hswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownH); function reportKeyDownH(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 104) { // 104 is the keyCode for the "H" key on the keyboard if(Hswitch==0){ var H:MovieClip = new MovieClip; H.addChild(HBlaster); addChild(H); H.x = Math.random()*500; H.y = Math.random()*400; H.alpha=1; var Hscale:Number; Hscale=Math.random()*2; H.scaleX=Hscale H.scaleY=Hscale Hswitch=1; }else{ var H2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; H2.addChild(HBlaster); addChild(H2); H2.alpha=0; Hswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 106 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ///// var JBlaster:Jmc = new Jmc(); var Jswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownJ); function reportKeyDownJ(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 106) { // 106 is the keyCode for the "J" key on the keyboard if(Jswitch==0){ var J:MovieClip = new MovieClip; J.addChild(JBlaster); addChild(J); J.x = Math.random()*500; J.y = Math.random()*400; J.alpha=1; var Jscale:Number; Jscale=Math.random()*2; J.scaleX=Jscale J.scaleY=Jscale Jswitch=1; }else{ var J2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; J2.addChild(JBlaster); addChild(J2); J2.alpha=0; Jswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 107 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK////// var KBlaster:Kmc = new Kmc(); var Kswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownK); function reportKeyDownK(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 107) { // 107 is the keyCode for the "K" key on the keyboard if(Kswitch==0){ var K:MovieClip = new MovieClip; K.addChild(KBlaster); addChild(K); K.x = Math.random()*500; K.y = Math.random()*400; K.alpha=1; var Kscale:Number; Kscale=Math.random()*2; K.scaleX=Kscale K.scaleY=Kscale Kswitch=1; }else{ var K2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; K2.addChild(KBlaster); addChild(K2); K2.alpha=0; Kswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 108 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL////// var LBlaster:Lmc = new Lmc(); var Lswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownL); function reportKeyDownL(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 108) { // 108 is the keyCode for the "L" key on the keyboard if(Lswitch==0){ var L:MovieClip = new MovieClip; L.addChild(LBlaster); addChild(L); L.x = Math.random()*500; L.y = Math.random()*400; L.alpha=1; var Lscale:Number; Lscale=Math.random()*2; L.scaleX=Lscale L.scaleY=Lscale Lswitch=1; }else{ var L2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; L2.addChild(LBlaster); addChild(L2); L2.alpha=0; Lswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 122 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz//// var ZBlaster:Zmc = new Zmc(); var Zswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownZ); function reportKeyDownZ(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 122) { // 122 is the keyCode for the "Z" key on the keyboard if(Zswitch==0){ var Z:MovieClip = new MovieClip; Z.addChild(ZBlaster); addChild(Z); Z.x = Math.random()*500; Z.y = Math.random()*400; Z.alpha=1; var Zscale:Number; Zscale=Math.random()*2; Z.scaleX=Zscale Z.scaleY=Zscale Zswitch=1; }else{ var Z2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; Z2.addChild(ZBlaster); addChild(Z2); Z2.alpha=0; Zswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 120 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx//// var XBlaster:Xmc = new Xmc(); var Xswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownX); function reportKeyDownX(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 120) { // 120 is the keyCode for the "X" key on the keyboard if(Xswitch==0){ var X:MovieClip = new MovieClip; X.addChild(XBlaster); addChild(X); X.x = Math.random()*500; X.y = Math.random()*400; X.alpha=1; var Xscale:Number; Xscale=Math.random()*2; X.scaleX=Xscale X.scaleY=Xscale Xswitch=1; }else{ var X2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; X2.addChild(XBlaster); addChild(X2); X2.alpha=0; Xswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 99 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC//// var CBlaster:Cmc = new Cmc(); var Cswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownC); function reportKeyDownC(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 99) { // 99 is the keyCode for the "C" key on the keyboard if(Cswitch==0){ var C:MovieClip = new MovieClip; C.addChild(CBlaster); addChild(C); C.x = Math.random()*500; C.y = Math.random()*400; C.alpha=1; var Cscale:Number; Cscale=Math.random()*2; C.scaleX=Cscale C.scaleY=Cscale Cswitch=1; }else{ var C2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; C2.addChild(CBlaster); addChild(C2); C2.alpha=0; Cswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 118 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV//// var VBlaster:Vmc = new Vmc(); var Vswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownV); function reportKeyDownV(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 118) { // 118 is the keyCode for the "V" key on the keyboard if(Vswitch==0){ var V:MovieClip = new MovieClip; V.addChild(VBlaster); addChild(V); V.x = Math.random()*500; V.y = Math.random()*400; V.alpha=1; var Vscale:Number; Vscale=Math.random()*2; V.scaleX=Vscale V.scaleY=Vscale Vswitch=1; }else{ var V2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; V2.addChild(VBlaster); addChild(V2); V2.alpha=0; Vswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 98 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB//// var BBlaster:Bmc = new Bmc(); var Bswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownB); function reportKeyDownB(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 98) { // 98 is the keyCode for the "B" key on the keyboard if(Bswitch==0){ var B:MovieClip = new MovieClip; B.addChild(BBlaster); addChild(B); B.x = Math.random()*500; B.y = Math.random()*400; B.alpha=1; var Bscale:Number; Bscale=Math.random()*2; B.scaleX=Bscale B.scaleY=Bscale Bswitch=1; }else{ var B2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; B2.addChild(BBlaster); addChild(B2); B2.alpha=0; Bswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 110 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN//// var NBlaster:Nmc = new Nmc(); var Nswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownN); function reportKeyDownN(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 110) { // 110 is the keyCode for the "N" key on the keyboard if(Nswitch==0){ var N:MovieClip = new MovieClip; N.addChild(NBlaster); addChild(N); N.x = Math.random()*500; N.y = Math.random()*400; N.alpha=1; var Nscale:Number; Nscale=Math.random()*2; N.scaleX=Nscale N.scaleY=Nscale Nswitch=1; }else{ var N2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; N2.addChild(NBlaster); addChild(N2); N2.alpha=0; Nswitch=0; } } } ///////////////////////// 109 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM//// var MBlaster:Mmc = new Mmc(); var Mswitch:int; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDownM); function reportKeyDownM(event:KeyboardEvent):void { var KeyCharCode:uint = event.charCode; if (KeyCharCode == 109) { // 109 is the keyCode for the "M" key on the keyboard if(Mswitch==0){ var M:MovieClip = new MovieClip; M.addChild(MBlaster); addChild(M); M.x = Math.random()*500; M.y = Math.random()*400; M.alpha=1; var Mscale:Number; Mscale=Math.random()*2; M.scaleX=Mscale M.scaleY=Mscale Mswitch=1; }else{ var M2:MovieClip = new MovieClip; M2.addChild(MBlaster); addChild(M2); M2.alpha=0; Mswitch=0; } } }