Project C

(Art 382) Interactive Media
Due date: Monday, November 19
time: at the beginning of class

Design an interactive "Thing"
This "Thing" should have at least 3 Flash Buttons (or interactive Movie Clips).
*** At least 1 of those interactive symbols needs to do at least 3 different things ***
(use variables & conditional statements)

Start by drawing a mode diagram for this "Thing".
Then recreate it in Flash with interactive buttons that cause this "Thing" to do stuff.

The more original your "Thing" is, the better it will be.


-Be creative, and think of an interesting object
-Think rigorously about how the object's behavior is designed
-Plan it, design it, then make it happen
-Use sound
-Use Flash Button Symbols (or interactive Movie Clips)
-Use Actionscript 3.0
-Use at least one variable in your code
-Use a conditional statement or 2
-Try to use Math.radom()

Things to think about:

-What does your thing do, and does this thing have a name?
-Does it work properly, or does it malfunction?
-How is it controlled (does it have switches, blinking lights, buttons)?
-Do humans use it, or is it meant for other life forms?
-What kind of noise does it make?
-Does it move around or sit on a table?
-How big is it, and where is it located?
-Are there other things or people around it?
-Is this thing part of a narrative or longer story?


- The object clearly follows the diagram you created.
- The object should have at least 3 different modes which significantly change how the object behaves.
- It needs to have some kind of sound
- It needs to have things that you click on (or drag) to make stuff happen
- There should be at least one variable in the ActionScript code.
- 1 of your interactive buttons needs to do different things
- It needs to work.
- This thing should look amazing.
- If you are not comfortable drawing it in Flash, then build it by hand or with other programs.

Things you will turn in (in a folder):

-The .fla , .swf, and .html files must be turned in on a CD (with your name).
-It should be a self-contained .swf, embedded into a web page, that is uploaded to a server.
-Turn in a mode diagram (on an 8.5x11 page) explaining all button behaviors.


This week (due Monday)

come up with an idea, draw a mode diagram, show it to me on an 8.5 x 11in. paper
if you draw it on the computer, then print it

Next week

Work on the code, and finish the coding before you animate your project.
Use Frame Lables, text, basic shapes, buttons, and/or trace frunctions.
Get your variables and conditional statements to work!!

3rd week
Have your code finished, everything should be working,
Rough draft is due
Monday, Nov. 12

4th week
Make it look pretty, finish the project, upload it

Project is due Monday, November 19