- art382 [interactive_media] sp2013 -

instructor : ryanSmith

Week #7

* Take Attendance *

Note: you must use .flv videos in Flash

Adobe Media Encoder - Custom Settings




let's play with a TED talk video: ted.com/talks/john_maeda

Variables & Data Types

intro animation... then a looping (or idle) animation... end with an exit animation

Look at "Chunky"

Look at "Chunky_2013"

Home Work :

Next week, no Classes : Spring Break

The following week : March 25
Project B is Due

Things you will turn in (in a folder) March 25:
- The URL address of your uploaded project.
***A printed statement about the project.
- The .fla , .swf, and .html files must be turned in:
    you can use a CD (with your name on it),
    OR put it on the external hard drive with "Project A"

***Quiz Questions:

What's the keyboard shortcut to test your movie in Flash?

After you make a button, why is it important to give it an instance name?

Memorize how to declare a variable:
var a: int;