11 & 13 Feb.
* Take Attendance *
For home work, you were supposed to create a .css page for your index.html page.
Upload it, if you haven't already.
Anybody not introduce themself last week?
Today: Open Up Flash · Start drawing · Assign "Project A"
Start drawing with Flash
(don't wait for somone to tell you what to do)
*stage (size) please keep it under 1,000 px.
*properties window
*layers (timeline)
*library window
Chapter 7 Sample files: take a look at "Grotto"
why CS4?
Start animating with Flash:
Breaking a character into parts
Nesting symbols (Robot.fla)
Tweens: shape tween & classic tween
Let's make a robot dance!
((more Flash / Animation examples))
- How to make a "successful" animation?
Neurotic by Hoogerbrugge
Terry Gilliam: animation1 | animation2
Paper Rad: animation
explosm.net: Dogs
Odd Todd: animation
Karla Cott & Ryan Smith - collaboration
** Copying images from Photoshop & Illustrator to Flash
Breaking apart text
( next week: adding sound, and making buttons, 1st AS3.0 )
Anybody not introduce themself last week?
#1 : Make 3 animated images of whatever you want
-your main timeline should be 1 frame
-you can have as many Movie Clip symbols as you want
and they can have as many frames as you want.
-Publish them as a .swf file embedded in an html page
#2 : Type up an idea for your "Project A"
(you can get started on it if you want)
- Save the text as a .pdf file
- I will have you upload these to the server
And, add a link on your index page.