Organizing your files :
-make a "towson" folder on your computer
-put a 365 folder in the towson folder
-save your home page as index.html in the 365 folder
-put all your images, and html files in the folder
Setting up your "local" site info :
-open Dreamweaver
-click on "Site"
-in the site drop-down menu, select "New Site"
-in the window name your site (you can name it whatever you want)
-then, click the folder icon to select your "Local folder"
-you want to select the "towson" folder on your computer
Setting up your "remote" site info :
-on the left sie of the site window, click "server"
- to add a new server, click on the + sign
-in this first space, for server name, type: TU Server
(this is case sensitive)
-next, select sFTP in the drop-down section
-after selecting sFTP, it should say port 22 on the right
-the sftp address for towson is:
-next, type in your username & password
(it should be the same as the one you use for your email at towson)
-click "Test" to see if you can connect "Successfully"
-once you've connected successfully, you can save & close all those windows.
Moving your files to the server :
-open the "Files" Window
- you should see the local files in your "towson" folder
-click on the icon in the top right of the window, to "expand to show local and remote sites"
-click on the plug icon up at the top of the window to "connect to remote host"
-you should see a "www" folder on the remote (left) side
-drag the "365" folder on the local (right side) into the "www" folder
-you might want to delete any large, unneeded files, such as .psd files that aren't included in the site
-after your site is in the "www" folder, you can open a web browser to see it
-the url address of your site should be:
- it's case sensitive, so make sure you didn't capitalize any of your folder names, or file names
-and, if you named your home page something aside from index.html, then you would use that name instead