* Take Attendance *
let's take a Quiz
pass out papers | ![]() |
Project A is due
assign Project B
Project B examples: spectrum zine | drawing zine | phobias | fonts | martini | mythology
another fun flash site: jim carrey
Review: Publishing? & uploading?
Sound: | //Loading audio: var audio:Sound = new Sound(); var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Song.mp3"); audio.load(req); audio.play(); // If you want it to loop, then change the last line to: audio.play(0, int.MAX_VALUE); // Stop all sound: flash.media.SoundMixer.stopAll(); |
Get stated on Project B
Feel free to start designing in Flash
come up with an idea, write a paragraph about it
- save as a pdf file
- add link from your class web page, to your .pdf file
* If you haven't done so, add a
link from your class web page, to your Project A