- art363&463 [interactive_media] -

instructor : ryanSmith

Week #2

5 Feb. 2013

* Take Attendance *

WWW History
How the Web Works
Uploading to a Server

FUGU (FTP) Free Download
Step by step FUGU instructions (Towson)

1) Save your homework as index.html, then save it in a 363 (or 463) folder in a towson directory
2) Upload the 363 folder (with your images, and index.html page) to Towson's server
3) Check to make sure it worked: http://tiger.towson.edu/~username/363/index.html
*4) Email me a link to the URL address (now), and if you can't get it uploaded email me your photo, and your HTML code

Hexadecimal System (RGB)

This is HTML code:

<body bgcolor="#00FF00">
<!-- this is an HTML comment -->

What is CSS?

CSS Syntax

This is an example of how to put CSS in the head of your html code (don't do it this semester) :

<style type="text/css">
p{ background-color:#FFF; padding: 2em; color:#999; width:500px; }

Instead, in the head of your html code, put a link to a separate .css file:

<link href="363.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

*view page source*

15 min. break

Remember you will be introducing yourself to the rest of the class this week.
Please have your HTML page uploaded to a server.
I will be asking you the following questions:
What are you studying? Why are you studying it? What else do you do for fun?
What experience do you have with Interactive Media, Flash, ActionScript, and/or web design?
What do you want to learn this semester?

Home Work :

This is what's due on Tuesday, 12 Feb. 2013 :

1) Create a separate .css file, and link the .html page from week 1 to your new css code.
- What you did last week - What you should have uploaded before next class - Here's my CSS

2) Be creative, use at least 1 other color aside from black, white, or gray.
Pick appropriate colors, change the size & style of your fonts.
Do not use the default link colors from now until the end of the semester.