5 Feb. 2013
* Take Attendance *
FUGU (FTP) Free Download
Step by step FUGU instructions (Towson)
1) Save your homework as index.html, then save it in a 363 (or 463) folder in a towson directory
2) Upload the 363 folder (with your images, and index.html page) to Towson's server
3) Check to make sure it worked: http://tiger.towson.edu/~username/363/index.html
*4) Email me a link to the URL address (now), and if you can't get it uploaded email me your photo, and your HTML code
What is CSS?
CSS Syntax
This is an example of how to put CSS in the head of your html code (don't do it this semester) :
<style type="text/css">
p{ background-color:#FFF; padding: 2em; color:#999; width:500px; }
Instead, in the head of your html code, put a link to a separate .css file:
<link href="363.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
15 min. break