

Week #9

***Look at index.html page

Ask about : Project B
- due on Wednesday, October 16
*Anybody not show their work last week?
*Anybody not give me the required materials (.fla, .swf, etc.)

Talk about Project C

Project C Examples:

Robot | Pet Monster | Telekinetic Helmet | Rocket | Missile Turret | Study Animation | Toad


Basic usage of the if conditional AS 3.0 :

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

Download .fla file and/or look at code

Look at:
BrokenRecord.fla | updated version | download

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

"Try it once, and not much happens.
Try it again, and fail.
Keep trying, and keep failing.
Start over, and eventually you will succeed.
Then you do it again."

//the code on frame 1:

var i:int;
trace("i is" + i)
//////////code for the button/////
function test(evt:Object):void{
if (i==0){
if (i==5){
if (i>=7){


Project C : get started on it (in Flash)

Start by CODING!

There's 168 hours in 1 week:

Spend 1 of those hours outside.
Turn off the computer and the TV. Don't touch your phone.
And, see if you can spend 1 continuous hour without an electronic device.
The fresh air, and lack of electronics, will recharge YOUR batteries,
and leave you feeling refreshed.
It doesn't matter if you sit, walk, stare at the trees, or just close your eyes…
Take some time for yourself this week.

Next week:
If I don't get to see "Mode Diagrams" this week, then bring them on Monday.
I will start helping you with your code on Wednesday, so have something started.

I should talk about health, and how not to destroy your body while going to art school.