

Week #8

talk about "Project A" grades
- Upload your project (if you haven't already)
- Add a link from your index.html page to a project_a.html page

Ask about : Project B
- due on Wednesday, October 16


Talk about Text Tool in Flash
What is TLF Text?
What is the .swz file for?
If you use TLF Text, you can now have more than 1 column of text (like InDesign).

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

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in class:
how to make a MC symbol a BTN. giving MCs instance names

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

Open: MOUSE-OVER.fla


Project B
- due on Wednesday, October 16

Project C : get started on it

Project C Examples:

Robot | Pet Monster | Telekinetic Helmet | Rocket | Missile Turret | Study Animation | Toad