

Week #13

- An oral presentation
- A printed copy of your Essay
- Something started for your design ( Final printed copy & mounted portion due next class )

Talk about grades

Things to watch:

"The Human Face" (start at 37:00)

From 2 weeks ago:

"Final Project" (or "Project D")

( research, oral presentation, & design )

The Presentation:

( due: Nov. 21 )

1) Research a graphic designer of your choosing, and give a 5-minute presentation to the class about them.
Your goal is to educate the class on their birth and/or death date, how they entered the field of graphic design, and what their major contributions have been to the field.
Please focus on their work as a designer. If they are also a writer, musician, fine artist, etc. you can mention it, but only briefly.

2) You must accompany your presentation with at least 5 images of your designer’s work.
Make sure these images include some of their most iconic/famous works.
You can include a photograph of them if you find one.
You may use images from the internet for this presentation.

3) The first slide of your presentation should state the name of your designer, and the last slide of the presentation should list your sources.
As this is a public speaking assignment, I expect you to clearly convey information verbally.
You can bring notes (on paper or index cards) to consult as you speak to the class.

* You will be graded on your public speaking ability, the quality of your research, the quality of your images, and your ability to follow directions.

The Written Portion:
( due: Nov. 21 )

Write a 300-400 word essay about your assigned designer:

The Design Portion

(due: Dec. 5, Thursday **Printed & Mounted**)

For the design portion of this assignment, your goal is to convey information about your assigned designer across two spreads, using text and images.

  1. To begin, create a document in InDesign with 2 spreads.
    Make sure that you are using facing pages. It is up to you to determine your margins. They should never be smaller than 1/8". Give yourself a 1/8" bleed.
  2. Do some research and obtain 4 high-resolution images for this assignment.
    You must scan these from books you check out at the library, or download and resize them from ARTstor.
    If you download low-resolution images from the internet, your grade will be reduced
  3. You are not limited to the number of colors you use.
    Carefully consider your color choices as they relate to the content and your 2 spreads

Spread #1

The first spread will be a visual introduction to the essay.
Your copy will be the designer’s first and last name and brief info: year of birth (and death if applicable), etc.

  1. In Illustrator or Photoshop, devise a unique type treatment for your designer’s name and place this into your InDesign file.
  2. After you have done this, incorporate a non-objective element and at least one image (either a photograph of the designer, or an image of their work) on this spread.

Spread #2

The second spread will be comprised of your essay and other supporting images.

  1. Set your 2nd spread with 2 or 3 columns per page, and import your text into the InDesign document.
    Do not include your sources in the text for the design portion of this assignment.
  2. Intersperse the text with at least 3 images of work by your designer.


  1. Print and mount each spread so that it is centered on a sheet of black or white presentation board.
    This should be ready to tack up at the start of class for final critique.
  2. You must also turn in your final project as an InDesign file AND as a press quality PDF.


Due on Dec. 5, Thursday **Printed & Mounted**
[For more details, see above info.]

No class next week, have a happy Thanksgiving

There's 168 hours in 1 week:
Spend 1 of those hours outside.
Turn off the computer and the TV. Don't touch your phone.
And, see if you can spend 1 continuous hour without an electronic device.
The fresh air, and lack of electronics, will recharge YOUR batteries,
and leave you feeling refreshed.
It doesn't matter if you sit, walk, stare at the trees, or just close your eyes…
Take some time for yourself this week.