Hi! I'm Aja :D!!

Portfolio Page! My Insta Lol! My Twitch! (It's empty)

Who Am I??

Like the title says, I’m Aja! I’m 20 and was born in Germany on May 22, 2004! I moved around a lot growing up (5 places in total!) due to me being a military kid! Now, I live in Maryland and have been here for about 8 years. I have a younger brother named Xavion, who is 13 years old! I love him to death. Even though our age gap is about 7 years, we still get along just fine (he’s my best friend). I'm a really big hermit crab and according to my friends I often eat like a homeless person (whatever that means). My favorite food is pasta with tacos being a close second. I will also proudly admit I'm addicted to strawberries.

Why Am I Studying Graphic Design??

I found myself liking GD back in High school. Growing up, I was always doing something art related, so once I reached High school, I applied to be in a Graphic Communications Program there and got in! Ever since then, I've been doing GD and find myself not too bad at it. Plus it pays well!

Here is some of my graphic work! I hope you like them!

I'm taking this class due to my major requirements. However, I do think coding can be fun at times. I'm trying to go into UI/UX Design once I graduate, so making designs for websites fits into this class as well!

Things I Want To Learn!

I'm not 100% sure of anything to learn, but I do want to make coding easier for whenever I need to do it.


I get hyper-fixated on certain things at very random times! Currently, the topic is video games, but more specifically a game called Marvel Rivals! I play all the time with my friends and boyfriend!

Other than video games, I like to crochet, make art, bake or cook, make edits, listen to music, anime, and hanging out with my friends of course!

My Responsibilities?!

I usually only work during the Summer, so I currently do not have a job, but I was considering getting one this semester, depending on my workload! I guess you could say one of my responsibilities is college. I have to make sure I do well in classes to keep my GPA up and graduate within a timely manner.