
  "Project B"

ART 219
Fall 2018
Monday, 9:00am - 12:50pm
CA 4030
Instructor : Ryan Smith


due date:
Monday, October 29, 2018
time: at the beginning of class

With Adobe Illustrator, you will make compositions using only Typography.

1) Make, or find, at least 2 photos of different subject matter.

2) In Illustrator, Make at least 2 "Artboards".
- you can use a 1in. margin on a 11x17in. page

3) In one composition, the text should fill the whole page (touching all 4 sides of the page).

4) In the other(s), try playing with negative space, or "white space".


- Make a portrait of yourself, a friend, or a celebrity

- Make, or find, photos of patterns or textures. Then use text to recreate the pattern or texture.

- Illustrator files should be CMYK
- Prints should be on 11x17in paper, but can be cropped down to smaller sizes

This week:
Get started in class

The following week

* Print best composition
(no need to mount this time)