
_weeks: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 .

ART 365 : fall2016

room : CA4030
Aug 29 – Dec 20, 2016
Tuesdays : 2:00PM - 5:50PM
Fridays : 9:30AM-1:20PM

Instructor: Ryan Smith
email : ryansmithstudent@aol.com
office hours : by appointment only
class webpage : ryanSmithArt.com/courses/fall2016

- Tuesday Students - Friday Students

- Jessica
- Amber
- Hunter
- Julie

- Nathan
- Kathleen
- Courtney

- Jasmine
- Stephen
- Bailey
- Ginger

- Logan
- Conor
- Marjorie

- Andrew
- Hayly
- Matt
- Rebecka

- Andrew
- Makarena
- Chloe
- Mia
- Stephen

- Sean
- Cari-Lynne 
- Taylor
- Rebekah
- Will

Week #1

- syllabus
- materials
- expectations
- get to know each other
- file formats:
. jpg, gif, png, pdf, txt, html

Week #2

- start coding
- basic HTML(page1.html)
- HTML(W3schools)

Week #3

- continue with CSS coding
- Hexadecimal System (RGB)
- Get started on "PROJECT #1"

Week #4

- continue with CSS coding
- image gallery
- using the "Actions" window

Week #5

- Project #1 should be completed
- Tuesday : Presentations
*Assign "PROJECT #2"
No class Friday(Sep. 30)

Week #6

No class Tuesday (Oct. 4)
- Friday : Presentations

Week #7

Have "Project #2" started
(Oct. 11th & fri. 14th)
- adding sound & video
- JavaScript slide show
- jQuery

Week #8

* Project #2
* midterm grading
* Uploading to a Server

Week #9

* PROJECT #2 should be complete
Assign "PROJECT #3"

Week #10

Keep working on "PROJECT #3"
- WWW : History
- Branding, identity, & logo design
- what's a favicon?
- "smoothScroll"

Week #11

"PROJECT #3" is due
- talk about "How the web works"
- Assign "PROJECT #4" ( net art )

Week #12

- Continue talking about net art
- Review for quiz

Week #13

[ Thanksgiving Break ]

Week #14

"PROJECT #4" ( net art ) is due
- Assign "FINAL PROJECT" ( Portfolio Website )

Week #15

(Last week of the semester)

- Give back project grades

upcoming :

*net.art assignment
Tuesday Nov. 29 or Friday December 2nd

*Quiz (this week)

December 12 (Monday)
Last day of classes.

December 13 (Tuesday)
no classes/Reading Day

December 14 (Wednesday)
Final examinations begin.

Final Project (in-class presentations)
*Online Portfolio : due during your final exam time

If we meet on Fridays, at 9:30am, then our exam time is:
Wed. Dec. 14th
10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

If we meet on Tuesdays, at 2:00pm, then our exam time is:
Tues. Dec. 20, 8:00 - 10 a.m.

December 20 (Tuesday)
Last day of examinations & end of semester.