art382 (interactive media)

instructor: ryanSmith
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Week 9



Talk about Project C

Examples: Chicken | Robot | Pet Monster | Telekinetic Helmet | Rocket | Missile Turret | Study Animation

Finish looking at student Projects (B)

Talk about Text Tool in Flash
What is TLF Text?
What is the .swz file for?
(this stuff is new to CS5 & 6)
If you use TLF Text, you can now have more than 1 column of text (like InDesign).

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

Basic usage of the if conditional:

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

Download .fla file and/or look at code


Get started on Project C
come up with an idea, draw a mode diagram, show it to me on an 8.5 x 11in. paper
if you draw it on the computer, then print it