- art382 [interactive_media] sp2013 -

instructor : ryanSmith

"Project B"

(Art 382) Interactive Media
today's date : Mon. March. 4 (back to Week #6)

Due date: Due : Mon. March 25
note: due in 21 days.
time: at the beginning of class


- Pick a topic that you would like to do a presentaion on
- Using Flash, prepare an interactive visual presentaion for your topic.
- (no boring PowerPoints)


- Do some research
- Familiarize yourself with AS 3.0
- Use button symbols
- Make something impressive
- Build something for your portfolio


1) You must use ActionScript 3.0
2) You must use sound or video
3) Before starting your project, you must submit a typed proposal
4) Your project must be turned in by the due date, and uploaded before class.
5) As always, it must look good:
good drawings that reflect the content of the work,
good looking graphics, good composition, great design, et cetera...
Remember, if you can't draw it, then use photos or videos.
6) More importantly, make something that will look good in your portfolio.

Things you will turn in (in a folder) Mon. March 25:
- The URL address of your uploaded project.
- The .fla , .swf, and .html files must be turned in on a CD (with your name).
- A printed statement about the project.

Things to think about:
Is this project meant to be fun, or purely informative?
How much text is there? What should it say?
What kind of sounds or videos will you use?
Who is your audience or who would be interested in your project?
Why do you want to do this?
What does this project say about you?
Try to answer all these questions in your project proposal.


this week:
(due Monday)
Think of something you would like to research (anything).
Type up a project proposal (less than 1 page).
What's the project about? What will it look like?

next week:

Start building the project using Adobe Flash
Finish the overall layout
Play with variables, add transitions and/or mouse effects.

3rd week:
18 & 20 March
No Classes : Spring Break

Week #9
"Project B" is Due : Mon. March 25