- art365 [design_for_www] -

instructor : ryanSmith

Week #15

**Mention Course Evaluations**

"Course evaluations for your SP 2013 will be available for your students to complete online from  May 1 - May 14, 2013. 
Students enrolled in your classes will receive an email on May 1, 2013morning (07:30 am) inviting them to log into the Towson Course Evaluation Online System (TCEO) and complete their evaluations. "

Final Project due : Monday, May 20, 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Anyone have classes Tuesdays at 2 or 3pm?

*Last day to resubmit Proj. A, B, C or D for grade improvement
*Rough Draft of Final Project is due
*Last class
There will be a Class Photo

A few more Parralax Examples:

-- download files: github.com/richardshepherd/Parallax-Scrolling
-- editted version

other student pages: Kaity | Tina


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ActionScript 2.0:

Timeline actions:

Code for Buttons:

Making variables:
  var $next_MC;
  var prev_MC;


Final Project due : Monday, May 20, 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
I have an exam at UMBC that same morning.
Please be patient if I'm not there at exactly 12:30.